

How Do You Split Assets in a Divorce?

Wondering how you’re going to split assets in your divorce? EP Wealth...

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Imagine a world where every professional had to act in your best interest. Wouldn’t that be nice?...

Denver is a beautiful, happening city with lots going on. It’s got something for everyone. If...

The Proposal Meeting*: Financial Health Assessment Some investors who have worked with a financial...

Shopping for a financial advisor isn’t easy, and some advisors have earned the industry a...

Phoenix is a marvelous city, full of breathtaking nature and an endless number of things to do.

When it comes to taxes, I get a lot of questions from my clients about tax planning tips. It’s...

Remember that New Year’s Resolution way back at the beginning of the year? Well it’s a great time...

Author: Laura Knolle Since I do financial planning for a living, financial literacy is very...