What is the Difference Between a Standard 401(k) and a Safe Harbor 401(k)?


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EP Wealth Advisors BlogPost 167949229691 What is the Difference Between a Standard 401(k) and a Safe Harbor 401(k)? new EP Wealth Advisors

The Safe Harbor 401(k) requires that employer contributions be fully vested. Learn more about the difference between traditional 401(k)s and Safe Harbor plans at EP Wealth.

What is the difference between a standard 401(k) and a Safe Harbor 401(k)?

The main difference between a standard 401(k) and a Safe Harbor 401(k) boils down to employer contributions: while standard 401(k) plans allow for discretionary employer contributions, Safe Harbor 401(k) plans require the employer to make mandatory, fully vested contributions to satisfy IRS nondiscrimination testing.


Safe Harbor 401(k) plans may offer a win-win scenario for both employers and employees. Employers can streamline their retirement benefits while aiding compliance, and employees can potentially enjoy tax savings opportunities with the added security of employer contributions.

If you’re already planning to contribute to your employees’ retirement accounts, then a Safe Harbor may be worth considering. The mandatory contribution can take different forms:

  • Basic matching: Employers match 100 percent of an eligible employee’s contributions up to 3 percent of salary and 50 percent of contributions between 3 to 5 percent.
  • Enhanced matching: Employers match contributions at a level that is at least as generous as the basic matching formula.
  • Non-elective contributions: Employers must contribute at least 3 percent of an eligible employee’s compensation to the plan, irrespective of whether the employee contributes anything.

A Safe Harbor 401(k) adheres to the same annual contribution caps as a traditional 401(k) plan—$23,000 in 2024, with an extra $7,500 catch-up allowance for individuals aged 50 and above.


If navigating through the intricacies of nondiscrimination testing seems daunting, you can consider a Safe Harbor 401(k). These plans come in two primary types:

1. Traditional Safe Harbor 401(k) Plan

A traditional safe harbor 401(k) involves customized matching formulas, immediate vesting, participant notifications, and distribution requirements.

A business might choose a traditional Safe Harbor 401(k) plan over a Qualified Automatic Contribution Arrangement (QACA) for several reasons:

  • Flexibility in Contribution Matching: Businesses can design their matching formulas based on specific preferences or budget constraints.
  • Vesting Options: Traditional Safe Harbor plans typically require immediate vesting of employer contributions, so employees own all employer-contributed funds from the outset, which may be advantageous for attracting and retaining employees.
  • Administrative Simplicity: While both types of plans simplify compliance with nondiscrimination testing, traditional Safe Harbor plans may involve slightly less administrative complexity than QACA plans, especially regarding automatic enrollment and potential vesting schedules.

2. Qualified Automatic Contribution Arrangement (QACA)

QACA safe harbor 401(k) plans combine traditional safe harbor provisions with automatic enrollment, flexible matches between 3-15%, and the ability to apply an escalating vesting schedule.

A business might opt for a QACA plan to:

  • Encourage Participation: QACA plans automatically enroll employees, which can significantly boost participation rates. This may be particularly beneficial for companies looking to increase overall employee engagement in retirement planning.
  • Lower Costs: QACA plans allow for lower employer matching contributions compared to traditional Safe Harbor plans, making them potentially more cost-effective for businesses while complying with regulations.
  • Gain Vesting Flexibility: QACA plans offer the flexibility to implement vesting schedules for employer contributions, allowing businesses to tailor their retirement benefits strategy to better align with their long-term goals and employee retention efforts.


Safe Harbor 401(k) plans can possibly provide businesses with a pathway that excludes the annual nondiscrimination tests typically required for traditional 401(k) plans. By offering contributions to employees’ accounts, businesses typically will not have to deal with administrative hassles and potential penalties associated with failing these tests. However, it's essential to note that Safe Harbor plans have their own set of rules and requirements, and they may not be suitable for every business situation. Consulting with a financial or legal advisor who specializes in retirement plans is advisable to determine the best option for a particular business.

For example, if highly compensated employees contribute excessively or if the company's 401(k) plan favors them over lower-income employees, adjustments to plan administration are necessary. This corrective process can be both burdensome and expensive, potentially requiring refunds of contributions from highly compensated employees.

Consequently, the company may face taxation on funds that highly compensated employees couldn't defer into a traditional 401(k) plan, thereby potentially amplifying the company’s tax obligations.


If you’re considering whether a Safe Harbor 401(k) plan is the right fit for your business, here's a checklist of questions to help you assess its suitability:

  1. Would you like to simplify 401(k) plan administration and minimize compliance headaches?
  2. Has your company ever failed nondiscrimination tests like ADP, ACP, or the Top-Heavy test?
  3. Is the well-being and retirement savings of your employees a top priority for your company?
  4. Is your business predictable, consistently profitable, and able to afford regular employee retirement contributions without difficulty?
  5. Is your company relatively small with a few high-earning employees who make up a significant portion of the workforce?
  6. Are the executives or high earners within your company unable to maximize their retirement contributions as they would like?
  7. Have you noticed low participation rates among non-highly compensated employees in your current retirement plan?

While implementing a Safe Harbor 401(k) may result in an increase of up to 3% in your overall payroll if all eligible employees participate, the potential benefits — including tax savings, improved employee morale, and reduced risk of failing nondiscrimination tests — can outweigh this cost.

Exploring retirement planning options for your business? Call or contact us for personalized recommendations from an EP Wealth advisor.



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