7 Ways Families Can Save Money

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Raising a family can be expensive. A study from the Department of Agriculture, for example, found that the average family spends $310,605 to raise a kid through their 18th birthday. You’ve got to figure out how to pay for sports, college, vacations, clothing, healthcare, food, and every other conceivable expense, too. Those costs can add up quickly—particularly when there are several kids involved.

At the same time that you’re funneling huge sums of cash to your kids, you probably also want to focus on securing your own financial future. To do that, you need to save money. With so many moving parts in your family, though, that’s not always as easy as we’d wish.

So how exactly can you save money when so much cash is flowing out each month? 

It can start with cutting out unnecessary expenses. To do that, you may need to start budgeting. That way, you can see where your money is going and figure out what you can do to cut down.

Once you’ve reduced your unnecessary expenses and determined how you can start saving money on a regular basis, consider investing as an option.

Up next, we’ll examine some of the easier ways you can do that.

Steps to Take to Save Money 

Everyone’s financial situation is unique. That said, there are some general steps that can be taken to begin saving money.

1. Determine family priorities with a budget

First things first: Figure out what your family is most interested in spending money on. 

For example, some families prioritize experiences over saving; kids might agree to take out student loans so that the family can go to Peru for two weeks. On the flip side, a family might prioritize education, and the parents might choose to pay for college out of pocket so that their kids graduate without any debt. Other families might value things such as giving to charity or acquiring real estate.

Whatever the case may be, by determining priorities and tethering spending to family values, you can actually uncover what’s most important to the most important people in your life—building a stronger familial bond along the way.

2. Create a tax plan

Taxes are part of life. Although not that many people might enjoy writing checks to Uncle Sam, we all must abide by the law of the land. As you begin thinking about saving, you’ll also want to think about creating a tax plan.

For example, your tax plan might include maxing out contributions to a 401(k) and IRA (which serves the dual purpose of helping you save for retirement while possibly lowering your tax burden), creating college savings accounts, and maxing out a health savings account. Similarly, if you are a small-business owner with a limited liability company, you might evaluate the tax implications of your corporate retirement plan.


3. Save automatically

Once you understand your priorities and are confident in your tax plan, it’s time to start saving. One way to do that is by automatically routing funds to a preselected account. You might decide to funnel 5 percent of each paycheck to said account, for example. It’s a relatively easy way to stockpile a good chunk of cash over time, without even thinking about it.

4. Save windfalls

You can also build up your savings by pouring any windfalls that fall into your lap—bonuses, oversized tax returns, large dividend payments, and the like—into a savings account.

5. Pay off high-interest debt

Building up a good savings account is one thing. Maintaining it is quite another. In pursuing your goal of securing a better financial future starts with paying off high-interest debt—such as credit cards, car loans, and student loans.

6. Invest

You’ve created savings, and you’ve paid off all of your high-interest debt. Nice work! Now, it’s time to take the next step and consider invest some of those savings.

Instead of choosing how to invest your funds on your own, consider speaking with a financial advisor who can work with you to put together an investment strategy that helps you meet your goals. 

For example, you might decide to put the bulk of your funds in a balanced stock portfolio while setting aside 20 percent in a high-yield savings or money market account.

7. Eliminate impulse buys

Saving money for your family might require you to change your behaviors. If you’re prone to buying things on impulse or spending lots of money on Amazon on items you don’t really need, you may want to rein those habits in. A good rule of thumb is waiting 24 hours before splurging on any high-ticket item.

Build Up Your Savings and Give Your Family a More Comfortable Life

Saving starts with putting together a financial plan. That way, you know where you are going, whether you are on track, how much spending you have to cut, and where you need to cut it.

Once you’ve determined the non-negotiables—such as that trip to Peru—you can start figuring out where you can reduce your spending. With a plan in place and the wherewithal to stick to it, you can help build up a solid chunk of savings and give your family a more comfortable life.

To learn more about what you can do to enjoy a financially secure retirement, contact an advisor or check out our new e-book, The Retirement Planning Guide for People Who Don’t Want to Work Forever.


  • Information presented is general in nature and should not be viewed as a comprehensive analysis of the topics discussed. The need or type of savings plan or strategy required are specific to the uniqueness of each individual's circumstances. There is no guarantee or warrantee that the analysis offered, or the strategies referenced here will satisfy your savings requirement needs or actually produce a positive result. Other saving strategies not referenced in this article may align more to your specific needs. All investment strategies have the potential for profit or loss.
  • EP Wealth Advisors (“EPWA”) makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy, timeliness, suitability, completeness, or relevance of any information presented in this article. EPWA has used its best efforts to verify the information presented. However, EPWA cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information included. All expressions of opinion are subject to change without notice.
  • This savings article should be used as a general tool that could assist you in considering your expenses and savings. It, however, should not be viewed as a comprehensive analysis of budgeting techniques, a definite savings formula, nor is it uniquely tailored to your situation. 
  • Information presented is general in nature and should not be viewed as a comprehensive analysis of the topics discussed. Content does not involve the rendering of personalized investment advice nor is it intended to supplement professional individualized advice. Always consult a professional Financial Advisor before applying any of the approaches or strategies made referenced directly or indirectly herein.
  • The need or type of savings plan or strategy required are specific to the uniqueness of each individual’s circumstances. There is no guarantee or warrantee that the analysis offered, or the strategies referenced here will satisfy your savings requirements. Other saving strategies not referenced in this article may align more to your specific needs. 
  • Nothing referenced here should be viewed as indicative of actual or expected results.  There is no guarantee or assurance that any results, positive or negative, will be achieved or sustained. Actual results may be better or worse than the projections or analysis offered or referenced herein.
  • All investment strategies have the potential for profit or loss. Different types of investments and investment strategies involve varying degrees of risk, and there can be no assurance that any specific investment or strategy will be suitable or profitable for a client's portfolio. The risk of loss can never be eliminated even if working with a professional.  
  • Content does not involve the rendering of personalized investment advice nor is it intended to supplement professional individualized advice. Always consult a financial professional regarding your unique financial circumstances. 
  • Content should not be construed as legal or tax advice, EPWA is not engaged in the practice of law or accounting. You should consult your legal and tax advisors before implementing any reference contained here.
  • EP Wealth Advisors, LLC is a registered investment adviser with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”). Registration with the SEC does not constitute an endorsement by the SEC, nor does it imply that EP Wealth Advisors Inc. has attained a certain level of skill or ability.


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